
I saw the car drive past, but didn’t recognize the woman behind the wheel.

请问:动词 drive 的主语可以是“车”吗?难道不是“人”才能驾驶吗?

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最佳答案 2015-04-27 23:19

动词 drive 的主语完全可以是“车”。比如《朗文当代英语词典》对动词 drive 的用法就有以下归纳:

1. to make a car, truck, bus etc move along——此用法通常用作主语

2. if a car, truck etc drives somewhere, it moves there——此用法通常用作主语


An ambulance drove past. 一辆救护车开了过去。

A car drove up and he got in. 一辆汽车开来,他上了车。

She smiled her thanks as the car drove off. 汽车开走时她微笑表示谢意。

The car drove off with its rear door flapping open. 汽车开走时,后门拍动着打开了。

After the ambulance drove off, the crowd dispersed. 救护车开走后,人群就散开了。

I have to do some work on the engine before it’ll be ready to drive. 我得先修理一下发动机它才能开动起来。


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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

动词 drive 的主语也可以是“车”,意思是“行驶”。例如:

A red sports car drove against the wall. 一辆红色跑车撞了墙。(《外研社英汉多功能词典》p.631)

所以,I saw the car drive past, but didn’t recognize the woman behind the wheel. 这个句子是正确的。

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  • 胡海婷   提出于 2015-04-20 21:41
