I would be lying to you, if I did not tell you how important it was in the court of public opinion.我要是说那访问对案子不重要,那就是骗你了。
如题,为何是how important it was而不是it is?
出自“惊爆内幕The insider”时间2'13'50
这个虚拟结构I would be lying to you if I didn't...已经完整了,后面tell you that的内容和前面的虚拟结构没有关联
I would be lying to you if I didn't tell you that I watched TV last night. (我昨晚的确看过电视)
I would be lying to you if I didn't tell you that I am going to watch TV. (我打算看电视)
I would be lying to you if I didn't tell you that I watch TV every day. (我天天看电视)
因此tell you that...后面的内容根据实际情况回答。