
 My friend, Hugh, has always been fat, but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a week ago. First of all, he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the things Hugh loves: butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate; and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk. It was obvious that he was very embarrassed. When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk. He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the contents of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets!

我的疑问1:The list included most of the things Hugh loves: butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate; and sweets. 这里句子作者关注的时间是过去,可是为什么宾语从句中Hugh loves是一般现在时?以前主句是过去时宾语从句是过去完成时我能理解,因为关注的都是过去。可是这里一会儿过去一会儿现在的我不是很理解。

我的疑问2:新概念英语解释说go on a diet=be on a diet.可是go是非持续终结性动词,be是静态动词 怎么可能go on a diet=be on a diet.

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最佳答案 2020-04-04 00:57

Hugh loves 并不是宾语从句,而是定语从句。定语从句的时态不受时态一致的约束。

go on a diat 不等于 be on a diat. 都是系表结构,介词短语表示状态,be为静态系词,表示处于该状态。go为动态系词,表示状态的转换,由不是该状态转为该状态,转态结束后就由be on a diat接力来表示处于该状态。新概念的解释给二者划等号是错误的。

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  • 2 关注
  • 3 收藏,2431 浏览
  • hetaojiazi 提出于 2020-04-03 20:58
