as much as 置于句首,是“尽管”的意思吗?

问题:as much as 置于句首,是“尽管”的意思吗?

We're talking about high schoolers.

So you can't tell high schools what they do.

As much as we're looking after them now and we're okay in the early stages, there is that feeling

of how much longer we can sustain that for.



请教老师:上句中的as much as是什么用法和含义,是“尽管..."的意思吗?


We're looking after them now as much as we can/或 as possible and we're okay...

因为是口语,非规范,所以省略as we can /或 as possible, 然后将as much as 置于句首?实际含义是:

尽力照顾...,翻译“尽管“的含义与as much as无关。 对吗?

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最佳答案 2020-04-04 15:38

As much as we're looking after them now and we're okay in the early stages, there is that feeling

of how much longer we can sustain that for.


as much as 是美国英语,意思等于 though(尽管;虽然),引导让步从句。

这里,much 是程度副词,表示 looking after 的程度。

与这些 We're looking after them now as much as we can/或 as possible and we're okay...,都没有关系。


1. Much as he likes the girl, he never wants to marry her. 

2. As much as he likes the girl, he never wants to marry her. 

句1):我们知道,as 有时可以引导 “让步从句”。这时,必须具备两个条件:1. 从句跟主句必须有这层让步关系;2. 某些成分,如表语、程度状语等,需要置于as 之前。

句1)就具备了这两个条件。 Much as he likes the girl 是让步从句,much as = though。

我们再来看句2),它与句1)没有什么很大差别,就是多了一个as。其实,这是美国英语,美国人喜欢用两个 as,显得对称。而意思不变。as much as = though。



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其它 2 个回答


much as: although

  • She knew the truth, much as [=even though] she wanted to deny it.



As much as we wish it would be, it simply isn't. 

As much as I respect the the Seuss-man, it turns out he was wrong.

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

    much as 或者 as much as 可以表示“尽管”、“虽然”的意思(= although),引导让步状语从句,后者主要用于美国英语中。例如:

    Much as I respect him [= although I respect him very much],I still have to disagree with him on this point.= (chiefly US) As much as I respect him,I still have to disagree with him on this point. 尽管我很尊重他,但在这个问题上我还是无法赞同他。(摘自《韦氏高阶英汉双解词典》p.105)

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