While his identity has yet to be released中has yet怎

While his identity has yet to be released.虽然他的身份尚未公布。

这句话为什么是否定的意思?has yet什么词性作什么成分?为什么不是hasn't been released?

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最佳答案 2020-03-24 20:09

【问】While his identity has yet to be released. 虽然他的身份尚未公布。

这句话为什么是否定的意思?has yet什么词性作什么成分?为什么不是hasn't been released?


His identity has yet to be released.

His identity hasn't been released.




大家都知道,副词yet 用于否定句,表示 “尚未,还没有”。但是,为什么用于肯定句,也表示“尚未,还没有” 呢?

一、yet 用于肯定句,常见的两种情况:have yet to do 和be yet to do。其实,这都是不定式表示的动作“尚未发生”的缘故。翻译成“要去做”或者“尚未做”都可以,两种译法并不矛盾。这好比 I wonder what you will do next.中的 wonder。翻译成“我想要知道”和“我不知道”,都是可以的。“想知道”意味着“不知道”。

众所周知,have to do(不得不做某事),不定式表示将来必须做的事情;be to do(这是将来时的一种类型),不定式也表示将来安排计划做的事情。所以,将来做的事情,就意味着“尚未做,还没有做,有待于做”。在不定式前加上yet 后,则更强调了这层“尚未发生”的含义。

(1)have yet to do例句:

I have yet to hear your explanation.  我还没听到你的解释。

You have yet to chat with your daughter today.  你今天还没有跟女儿聊聊!

Some specific problems have yet to be solved.  还有一些具体问题要解决。

Certain questions have yet to be clarified.  有些问题还需要弄清楚。

A date for the meeting has yet to be determined. 会议日期尚待确定。

(2)be yet to do例句:

His new album is yet to be named. 他这张新专辑的名称待定。

The worst of the storm is yet to come.  最猛烈的暴风雨就要来了。

The cut-off date for registering is yet to be announced.  还没有宣布登记的截止日期。

The really interesting part of the show is yet to come.  好戏还在后头。

“Who’ll be appointed?” “It’s yet to be decided.” “谁会得到任命呢?”“还有待决定哩。”

二、yet 用在不定式之前表示“否定”,除了上述情况外,还有其他情况。例如:

(一)yet 跟动词不定式作定语连用:(不定式作定语也意味着将要发生)

1. She has many places yet to visit on her itinerary. 在她的行程表上她还有许多地方要去参观。

2. For us, there are many dreams and ideas yet to be fulfilled. 我们有许多的梦想和想法还没有实现。

(二)yet 跟动词不定式作结果状语连用:(too...to...结构,不定式本身蕴含着否定意味)

1. It is too soon yet to look for results. 现在便期望有结果为时尚早。

2. It's too early yet to tell about the offspring. 将此事告诉后代人还为时过早。

(三)yet 跟动词不定式作目的状语连用:(remain 本身就是“有待于”)

1. You should know the mission remains yet to be accomplished.你应该知道任务还没有完成。

2. One peculiarity of the child's behavior remains yet to be told. 这孩子的举止上还有一个特点也要说一说。


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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

sb/sth has yet to do sth  formal used to say that someone has not done something, or that something has not happened when you think it should aiready have been done or have happened  [正式]某人尚未做某事 / 某事尚未发生 [表示认为该做而未做或该发生而未发生]:I have yet to hear Ray's version of what happened. 我还没有听过雷对所发生之事的说法。The bank has yet to respond to our letter. 银行尚未给我们回信。(摘自《朗文当代高级英语辞典》第六版 yet)

可以把 sb/sth has yet to do sth 作为一个结构来记忆:sb/sth 是主语,has yet to do sth 是谓语。 yet 是副词。

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