No one has ventured much further into space than Dohn is from Chicago.
这里than后面这个怎么理解?为什么不是Dohn has?
1. No one has ventured much further into space than Dohn is from Chicago.(误)
如果 Dohn 是人名,那么去掉 is,改为:
2. No one has ventured much further into space than Dohn from Chicago (has). (正)
【注】这是人与人之间的比较。“没有人” 和 “来自芝加哥的多恩” 的比较。
3. 还有一个版本:
Since 1972 no one has ventured much farther into space than Des Moines is from Chicago. (误)
Des Moines 是地名(得梅因:美国衣阿华州的首府)。加了 is 同样错误。改为:
4. Since 1972 no one has ventured much farther into space than Des Moines from Chicago.(正)
【注】这是距离与距离之间的比较:“从地球进入太空的距离“ 和“从芝加哥到得梅因的距离” 的比较。
You are less foolish than I thought.
= You are less foolish than the level that I thought/believed.
No one has ventured much further into space than Des Moines is from Chicago.
= No one has ventured much further into space than the distance that Des Moines is from Chicago.
人们玩到太空的距离也就不过美国两个地方的距离而已。(上天 vs 平地)
(Des Moines 到 Chicago. 是333英里; 这句话显然是除了登月的距离的)