是get to think还是get thinking

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最佳答案 2020-03-24 08:22

如果 get 后面接的是“认知类”动词,用 get to do 表示“开始怎样”。例如:

get to know 开始知道

get to understand 开始懂得

get to realize 开始认识到

如果 get 后面接的是动作、行为的动词,用 get doing 表示“开始做某事;着手做某事”。例如:

We need to get thinking, talking and acting on this before it is too late. 



think 是“思考” 之意,是行为动词,不属于“认知类”动词,所以,网友问题的正确答案是:get thinking。

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

   get doing sth to begin doing something 开始做某事:We got talking about the old days. 我们开始谈起了过去的时光。I think we should get going quite soon. 我想我们应该很快就要开始了。What are we all waiting for? Let's get moving. 我们都在等什么呢?开始吧!

    get to do sth informal to have the opportunity to do something 【非正式】有机会做某事:We got to meet all the stars after the show. 演出之后我们见到了所有明星。She gets to travel all over the place with her job. 她做这个工作可以到各地旅行。



get ... ing 有时在非正式文体中用来表示“开始做某事”,尤其是在 get moving,get going 等表达方式中。

    We'd better get moving - it's late.我们还是动身走吧,时间不早了。

get 与动词不定式连用,可以指“做到”、“有机会”或“被允许”。

    We didn't get to see her - she was too busy. 我们没有见到她 - 她太忙了。

    When do I get to meet your new boyfriend? 我什么时候能见见你那位新交的男朋


get + 动词不定式还可能含有逐渐发展的意思。

    He's nice when you get to know him.当你慢慢了解他了,就知道他是个好人。

    You'll get to speak English more easily as time goes by. 时间长了,你的英


   (以上摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第四版 472.5)

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  • myz73 提出于 2020-03-13 17:12
