hand in hand with的用法疑问

在词典上查 hand in hand with 时,查到的短语是 (go) hand in hand with(意思是“与……紧密相联”),如:

Theory must go hand in hand with practice. 理论必须结合实际。

A bad economic situation and rising crime usually go hand in hand. 通常,经济不景气犯罪率就会上升。


Hand in hand with the police inquiries the government has also announced a full investigation. 在警方调查的同时,政府也宣布要展开彻查。

这句中的 hand in hand with 的意思好像不是“与……紧密相联”,而是表……的同时,这个用法在词典上好像查不到。请老师指点!

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最佳答案 2015-04-03 10:07

hand in hand with 的基本意思是“与……手牵手”“与……紧密合作”“与……密切相连”“与……一道”等,通常与动词 go 连用。如:

1. Poverty often goes hand in hand with disease. 贫穷通常都与疾病相伴而行。

2. A good education goes hand in hand with getting a good job. 一个好的教育与找到一个好工作有密切的联系。

3. She had the confidence that usually goes hand in hand with experience. 她具有经验丰富者常有的那种自信。

4. Poverty tends to go hand in hand with disease, and raising peoples incomes usually helps to improve their health. 贫穷总是伴随着疾病,提高人们的收入有助于改善健康状况。

短语 hand in hand with 有时也表示“在……的同时”,此时通常直接用作状语。如:

Hand in hand with reading, he developed the habit of taking notes. 在读书的同时他养成了做笔记的习惯。(摘自张道真《现代英语用法词典》)

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  • 胡碧英   提出于 2015-03-31 18:18
