as a young man是介词短语还是省略的从句

as a young man 这个结构应该看作介词短语还是看作省略的状语从句?如果把 as a young man 看作介词短语,意思应该是“作为年轻人”;如果看作是省略的从句,则它的意思应该是“当某人年轻的时候”

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最佳答案 2015-04-14 22:22

    其实,无论是表示“作为年轻人”还是表示“当某人年轻的时候”as a young man 都是一个介词短语(即其中的 as 是介词)。比较:

As a young man, you should be active in local politics. 作为年轻人,你应该积极参与当地的政治活动。

As a young man, he was very active in local politics. 他年轻时曾积极参与当地的政治活动。

顺便说一句,当 as a young man 理解为“当某人年轻的时候”时,但不能直接看作是as 后面省略了与主句相同的主语和动词 be,因为 as 引导时间状语从句时,其谓语动词通常不能是表状态的动词 be。如:

2 He entered a monastery as a young man他年轻的时候就进了修道院。(= He entered a monastery when he was a young man.

2. As a young man, he wanted to see the world before he settled down. 年轻时候的他想先去见见世面,然后再安定下来。(=When he was a young man, he wanted to see the world before he settled down.)

3. As a young man he suffered agonies of religious doubt. 年轻时,他因为对宗教的怀疑而饱受折磨。(= When he was a young man he suffered agonies of religious doubt.)

4. As a young man he was admired, but as an old man he became a figure of fun. 年轻时,他受人崇拜;到老了,却被人嘲笑。(=When he was a young man he was admired, but when he was an old man he became a figure of fun.)

5. Through the smoky prism of time, I could just barely make out my father as a young man. 时间模糊了记忆,我几乎想不起父亲年轻时的样子。(=Through the smoky prism of time, I could just barely make out my father when he was a young man.)

6. As a young man, he had been certified and sent to a hospital for the mentally ill. 他年轻时被证明患有精神病,并被送到了精神病院。(=When he was a young man, he had been certified and sent to a hospital for the mentally ill.)

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  • 于曼丽 提出于 2015-03-30 15:46
