
And I know that if we put our heads and our hearts into this company,we will deliver, I know that. Now, I love challenges. I love hard work. I look forward to sitting at this very table tossing ideas around until what I fear will be the wee hours of the morning. But most importantly, I want the work we do to say something about who we are, how we think, what we feel. So, as our friends in Hollywood say, “Let’s cut to the chase.”How are we gonna turn this company around?

这里的until是修饰谓语动词look forward to 还是非谓语动词sitting 还是tossing around? 我该如何判断? 另外这个until后跟的是个名词还是句子?我判断不出until在这里是介词还是连词,提前感谢各位老师,第一天注册,还没有鲜花,非常抱歉!

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最佳答案 2020-03-15 17:19

I look forward to sitting at this very table tossing ideas around until what I fear will be the wee hours of the morning. 

1. 本句,until 是连词,引导的是时间从句,是一个“主系表结构”。不是介词。

2. what I fear (主语)will be (系动词)the wee hours of the morning(表语):我担心的事儿是凌晨时分的到来。

3. tossing ideas around(反复思考),现在分词作 sitting 的伴随状语。

4. 关于until 从句,到底是修饰谓语动词look forward to,还是现在分词sitting,还是 tossing around,这需要根据语义判断。

(1)look forward to 表示,期待的结果是 sitting,该动作到 sitting 即结束,所以 until 不是修饰 look forward to。

(2)until 从句应该同时修饰 sitting 和 tossing 两个动作,它们是同时进行的,而且是持续的。


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