beyond(除...之外)与not...other than的区别

beyond用于否定疑问句表示除...之外,与not...other than什么区别:

Thiscrop doesn't do well in soils ____the one for which it has been specially developed. (CET 4 1999,1) 

A) beyond B) rather than C) outside D) other than 

请问,这个题到底选哪个?查的答案都选D。可是有学生说,字典上有一项是 beyond 用于否定疑问句表示除..之外。到底选哪个呢?

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最佳答案 2020-03-24 08:21


This crop doesn't do well in soils beyond the one for which it has been specially developed.

This crop doesn't do well in soils outside the one for which it has been specially developed.

This crop doesn't do well in soils other than the one for which it has been specially developed. 

【说明】句中,the one 指“那块土壤;那种土壤”,for which “为这种土壤”,指农作物专门为这这种土壤而培育的。所以,除了这种土壤外,该作物在其他土壤中生长不良。

beyond 和 outside 这两个介词,先不说比喻义,仅从表示地点位置(在......之外),就完全可以用在本句中。

如果说区别,other than 用来“从群体中排除”;beyond 和 outside 用来表示“地理位置”。这些词语用在本句都没有问题。说实话,用 beyond 和 outside 是形象化的语言,更可取。

rather than 用来“在两个对等的事物中排除一个”(用于本句错误,许多块土壤和一块土壤是群体和个体关系)。例如:I like English rather than maths.

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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

   在否定句中,beyond 和 other than 都可以表示 except ( 除了),本题选择

A) beyond 或者 D)other than 都可以。

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  • myz73 提出于 2020-02-29 19:35
