have the cheek to do sth中的不定式作何成分

请问专家老师,She had the cheek to say such a thing. 这个句子中的不定式是什么成分?

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最佳答案 2015-04-26 16:23


其实,句中的不定式 to say such a thing 在形式上是用作定语修饰名词 cheekcheek “无礼,厚颜无耻,恬不知耻” 是抽象名词,但这个不定式在意义上却是表示 “结果”。句意:她厚颜无耻地说出这样的话。

这是 have + the + 抽象名词 + 不定式” 表示 “如此......以至于……;非常……结果……” 的一种句式。又如:

He had the luck to find a satisfactory job. 他非常幸运,找到称心如意的工作。

= He was so lucky that he found a satisfactory job.

= He was lucky enough to find a satisfactory job.

= He luckily found a satisfactory job.

He had the bravery to save the child from the flood. 他非常勇敢,从洪水中救出了那个孩子。

= He was so brave that he saved the child from the flood.

= He was brave enough to save the child from the flood.

= He bravely saved the child from the flood.

这种结构中的不定式还可以用 of doing 来表示,of doing 也是用作定语。如:

I had the folly to trust such a man. 我真愚蠢,竟相信这样的人。

= I had the folly of trusting such a man.

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