5 被动语态+倒装/ 插入语的用法/ 独立主格/ 伴随状语/ 文学翻译


一、 Added to the shyness of his look was a faint streak of melancholy.

  1. 请您举几个被动语态倒装句子

  2. 这个倒装是为了强调么

二、All the houses in the village were built of wood, some of which, blackened with the passage of time, were even covered with a lot of mushrooms.

  1. 加粗部分是插入语还是后置定语修饰some of which

  2. 划线部分是否有如下用法?

    我们村所有房子都是木头做的,其中79%的木头因时间的流逝而发黑,上面布满了蘑菇。(虽然一般没有这么说话的,但是我想知道提到数据能否使用数字+of which的用法)

    是否可以译成:····were built of wood, 79% of which, blackened···

三、In summer, the path being cool, wet and smooth, walking barefoot on it is ```


四、But he, with a group of very naughty boys, would swiftly skip up to the tree```



       It takes much time and right mood to be solitary.

  1. 为何这句话要用It做主语?It是否为形式主语? 

  2. 中文语境下,重点总是后置,即强调“时间”和“心情”,英文语境下,重点前置,这样翻译是否是为了着重强调“时间”和“心情”?



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最佳答案 2020-02-26 21:57

一、 Added to the shyness of his look was a faint streak of melancholy.

1  请您举几个被动语态的倒装句子

【答】 除了过去分词的例句,我再增加现在分词的例句。现在分词也有这种情况。

过去分词 + be + 主语:

Seated beside the teacher were some small children.

Cut in the ring was a name: Agnes.

Scattered on the floor were several books and magazines.

Ranked second and third were grocery and electronics customers. (分析例句)

现在分词 + be + 主语:

Flying over the river is a plastic bridge.

Standing on the stage is a super star.

Sitting beside the teacher were some small children.


2  这个倒装是为了强调么?


1. 有人说,Ranked second and third were grocery and electronics customers. 是被动语态的倒装句。可以转换为:Grocery and electronics customers were ranked second and third.


而前者是一个主系表结构。其中grocery and electronics customers 是表语,主语部分只有一个分词短语,视为省略了主语Those,ranked second and third 作定语。

实际等于说:Those ranked second and third were grocery and electronics customers.



2. 无独有偶,英语的这种表达,跟汉语的“的”字结构十分相似。我们常说:

(1)站在舞台上的是一位超级影星。Standing on the stage is a super star.

(2)被散落在地板上的是一些书刊。Scattered on the floor were several books and magazines.


(3)一位超级影星站在舞台上。A super star is standing on the stage.

(4)一些书刊被散落在地板上。Several books and magazines were scattered on the floor.

3. 目前,语法书对这种语言现象有如下几种观点:

(1)倒装说。分词 + be + 主语




二、All the houses in the village were built of wood, some of which, blackened with the passage of time, were even covered with a lot of mushrooms.

1加粗部分是插入语还是后置定语修饰some of which?


我们村所有房子都是木头做的,其中79%的木头因时间的流逝而发黑,上面布满了蘑菇。(虽然一般没有这么说话的,但是我想知道提到数据能否使用数字+of which的用法)

是否可以译成:····were built of wood, 79% of which, blackened···

【答】本句 blackened with the passage of time 是过去分词短语,做了some of which 的定语,是非限制性的,有逗号。如果去掉,则剩下定语从句:some of which were even covered with a lot of mushrooms. 此外,some of which 按网友说的,应改为:79% of which。把 were 改为was,因为 wood 不可数。


三、In summer, the path being cool, wet and smooth, walking barefoot on it is ...



四、But he, with a group of very naughty boys, would swiftly skip up to the tree```


【答】with a group of very naughty boys,是“方式状语”,不是“伴随状语”。本句为了突出这个词组而提前,被插在“主谓”中间,正常情况在句末。又如:I went to see the film with my girlfriend. 这句 with my girlfriend 也是“方式状语”。所谓“伴随状语”,是指伴随谓语动词,才叫“伴随”。这里,伴随某人不是伴随状语,概念错误。“方式状语”,意思是说,我看电影是用什么方式去看的。



It takes much time and right mood to be solitary.



【答】it 是形式主语,to be solitary 是真实主语。变换一下结构,就清楚了:

 To be solitary takes much time and right mood.





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