I did little中的little是什么词性?是名词吗?I will do the littl

I did little中的little是什么词性?是名词吗?I will do the little that I can中的little为啥要加the?这里的little是不是不表否定了?
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最佳答案 2020-11-08 08:47

   the little (或 what little)是一个短语,意思是“仅有的一点东西”(little 是代词)或“仅有的......”(little 是限定词)。

    what little (also 又作 the little (that))仅有的一点;尽可能的一点:We did what little we could to help. 我们已尽绵薄之力。/ I handed over what little money I had left.我把仅剩的一点钱交了出来。(摘自《朗文当代高级英语辞典》第六版)

    the [what] little 仅有[所有]的那点东西(与关系从句连用):We did what little we could do. 我们做了自己能做的一切。(摘自《外研社英汉多功能词典》)

    I hope the little that I've done has been useful.我希望我所做的那点儿事情是有用的。(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第四版233.4)

    what little = the little ... 仅有的一点东西 The little of his work that I have seen is excellent. 我所看过的他的作品都十分优秀。/ I did the little (that) I could. = I did what little (that) I could.我已尽了绵薄之力。(摘自《英汉多功能词典》新编升级版 p.987)



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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

I did little.

I will do the little that I can.

以上两句都对。第一句,little 是代词;第二句 little 也是代词,加定冠词表示特指“那一点点事情”,因后面有了定语从句。

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