be being done 与 be getting done 的区别

The two partners disputed over their assets when they were getting disbanded.

请问,这里的 进行时被动,用getting和用being有什么区别?  另外,对于"解散" 这个动作,也可以用进行时来表达么?


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最佳答案 2020-02-05 21:48

get + 过去分词 构成的被动语态,具有两大特点:

1.表示“动作性”; 2. 表示“渐变性”。


The vase was broken by the maid, but the master wanted to know how it got broken. 花瓶被女仆人打破了,但主人想知道它是怎样被打破的。

通过分析对比,我们发现:was broken 表示“一种既成的结果”,说明花瓶被人打破了;got broken 则强调“一种过程或动作”,说明它是怎么被打破的。又如:

The children were lost in the forest. I wonder how they got lost. 孩子们在森林里迷了路。我不知道他们是怎么迷路的。    

除此以外,“get + 过去分词” 和“be + 过去分词” 还有一些其他方面的区别。

1.“get + 过去分词” 往往强调一种突发或偶发事件,多为不愿看到的事情。例如:

He got injured by a car when he was crossing the road. 过马路时他被车撞伤了。

The picture got damaged when we were moving. 我们搬家时,这幅画受了损。

The miners got trapped in the deep mine last Tuesday. 上周二矿工们被困在深井中。

2.“get + 过去分词” 在表示强调、否定和疑问时,需用助动词 do 或 did,而“be + 过去分词”则不需要。例如:

They did get caught in the rain last night. 他们昨天晚上确实被雨淋着了。

Tom didn’t get beaten yesterday evening. 汤姆昨天晚上没有挨打。

Did your letter get answered? 你收到回信了吗?

3.“get + 过去分词”的进行时态,表示一种“动作或渐变过程”。例如:

The students are getting prepared for the sports meeting. 学生们正在为运动会做准备。

She was getting worried about her exams. 她当时正在为考试发愁呢。

You will be getting puzzled if you don’t know the truth. 如果你不了解实情,你会变得迷惑不解。

网友的句子,符合上述3层意思:动作性、渐变性、不利事件。所以使用 get 构成被动语态优于使用 be。

The two partners disputed over their assets when they were getting disbanded.


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