2 as和than比较结构难点



He is more dead than (he is) alive

They are more soldiers than ( they are) poets. 

He earns no more rewards than you (earn ?)

I have no more than two dollars left in (I have money two dollars?) my pocket.

请问这里比较项分别是怎么理解啊? 我看了资料比较项在从句中是缺位,必须省略;   


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最佳答案 2020-01-14 19:03

He is more dead than (he is) alive.

They are more soldiers than ( they are) poets. 

在实际语言中,括号部分是不需要的,显得重复。以上两句属于“同一个(类)人在自身方面的比较”,是对同一个人两种性质或身份的一种取舍。 more ... than... 表达 “取舍关系”:than 之前为 “取”,之后为 “舍”。看翻译:

He is more dead than alive.


They are more soldiers than poets. 


无独有偶。as...as... 也可表示同一个人或同一个事物自身的比较,与 more... than...的不同之处在于,它表示同时具备这两种品质。这时,as...as... 表示“既......又......”,等于both...and...的意思。


The girl is as shy as nervous. 这个女孩既害羞又紧张。

This method is as convenient as effcient. 这种方法既方便又有效。

He walks as fast as gracefully. 他走得又快又优雅。

She smiled as brightly as sincerely. 她笑得既灿烂又真诚。

He earns no more rewards than you (earn ?)

earn 不要重复再用,或者不用,或者改为替代词 do。改为:

He earns no more rewards than you (do)

I have no more than two dollars left in (I have money two dollars?) my pocket.

括号内容纯属错误。in 还能接句子?去掉!no more than 看作固定的搭配,修饰数字。等于 only 之意。改为:

I have no more than two dollars left in my pocket.

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  • Leo 提出于 2020-01-14 09:57
