1 关于连词用法与句子成分的并列


①The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Finland requires that all teachers have master's degree and funds the same to ensure that its teachers impart high quality of teaching.

②Nearly two tons of nuclear-reactor fuel have already been put into orbit around the Earth, and the chances of a collision involving such material increase greatly with the amount of space debris continuing to increase along with the number of satellites.


请问,在①句子中,怎样才能判断to ensure这种目的状语,是只修饰前面的funds呢?还是同时修饰requires和funds两个谓语动词呢?


该文章称:Now the connection is made with “along with”. This now implies that there is a relationship between the "increase in number of satellites" and "rise in amount of space debris". It implies that amount of space debris increases as the number of satellites increase. Although perfectly logical, this is not what choice A implied. 

我能明白chances continue to increase。但为什么the number of satellites能够共享continue to increase呢?

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最佳答案 2019-12-24 21:16

1 这需要逻辑判断。requires和funds都是为了一个共同的目的——to ensure...。

2 A(collision的机会)随着 B(debris)的持续增加而增加,而B的增加和C(the number of satillites)的增加是同时的。

A increases with B that continues to increase together with C.

所以,B、C增加,导致A 增加。

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  • aoaoaonia 提出于 2019-12-23 18:17
