2 这个句子中的the way 应该如何理解

she was increasingly unhappy with the way the work had declined with each subsequent edition.

这里的the way,应该理解为,“她对作品衰落的方式不满意”,还是“她对作品衰落这一方式不满意”?

the way 是后面句子“the work had declined”的同位成分,还是代表“the work had declined”的方式?


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最佳答案 2019-12-16 11:31

the work had declined...是定语从句。先行词是the way,定语从句要用that(可省略)或in which来引导。在the way后面接定语从句时,关系词若在从句中作状语,相当于“以这种方式 / 方法 (= in this way)”,通常不用关系词,偶尔也用that,在较正式的文体里才用in which来引导。例如:

I was impressed by the way (that/in which) she did it. 她干成这件事的方式给我留下了深刻的印象。


the way常可用来代替非疑问词how。请注意:the way和how不能同时使用。

Look at the way those cats wash each other.或Look at how those cats...(不能说:...the way how those cats wash

The way you organise the work is for you to decide.或How you organise...(不能说:The way how you organise...

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  • SgtMitchell 提出于 2019-12-16 09:55
