(1) It's starting to rain.
(2) It's started to rain
(3) It's started raining.
第一是不是表示还没有下,等同于going to rain?
1. 在语言上,犯逻辑错误的不仅有中国人,外国人也大有人在。老外对自己语言的理解,也照常出错。
2. 在语言的词汇里面,根本没有“正在开始” 这个词语。我们可以说:“将要开始;即将开始;就要开始;马上开始” 或 “已经开始”,但没有 “正在开始” 这个概念。就像“会议将要结束;会议即将结束;会议就要结束;会议马上结束;会议已经结束”一样,也没有“会议正在结束”。
3. It's starting to rain. 这句话,非常好,没有错。如果说有错,那是我们理解错了。start 是一个“瞬间终止动词”(按曹老师的说法,是一个“转态动词”)。这个动作的进行时意味着它还没有结束,starting 没结束,那么rain 也就没有开始。我跟曹老师的理解和观点完全一致:
It's starting to rain. 意思是“天即将开始下雨”。说这话时还没下雨,哪怕说完后立马就下。
4. 如果有的老外把这个句子理解为:“雨已经下了,但不明显,也许零星能感觉到”。——这只是自己一厢情愿的“臆想”。友情提示网友:It's starting to rain. 句子没有错,而是老外理解错了。我认为,有这种想法的人,包括老外在内,需要补上逻辑这一课!
1. It Has Started To Rain.
It has started to rain.
It's starting to rain.
It has started raining.
Can someone explain the differences between the above sentences? I don't see any difference.
You look out the window and see those VERY FIRST drops or the pavement just starting to get wet - it's starting to rain.
You look out the window and it's raining, and the pavement is just about all wet, but it's not coming down hard (yet!) - it's started to rain.
And in truth, you can use either one in either situation without sounding too weird.
But I also found in a book that describes
1. "It is starting to rain" is correct
2. "It starts to rain" is incorrect
in this example.
Both of them seem to be the same to me, what are the difference between "start to" and "is starting to"?
BE: You can say "It is starting to rain" in answer to that question because it's describing something which is actually taking place at the time. A context in which you could use the simple present would be something like: "Every time I go out without a coat, it always starts to rain".
链接: https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/start-to-vs-is-starting-to.2750636/
'It's raining" : Present Continues indicates that the rain started prior to NOW, the moment of speaking; continues as an event, but has a foreseeable END = "It's stopped raining."
So, if it's already started, how can you say, at the same moment NOW, that it is starting raining ???
'start' : begin or be reckoned from a particular point in time or space.
Language is such fun!
用完成时,说明 雨是既下未下,但处于突破那“下”的临界的状态