
If you give children complete freedom, they will know ___, what's best for them, you don't need any rules, or anything.

A. as it is              B. as it were             C. as they are              D. as they were

这道题选什么? 请老师分析一下!

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最佳答案 2019-12-09 09:39

这题答案明显是 B. as it were.


as it were   (used to comment on the speaker's own choice of words, which may give only an approximate meaning 用以评断自己用词是否恰当, 指词义接近而已): 

She seemed very relaxed in her natural setting as it were. 她似乎十分悠然自得--可以说是有自己随遇而安的天地.  He'd been watching the water rising for two hours preparing to meet his destiny, as it were before help arrived. 他在获救前的两小时中, 一直眼看着水在上涨---可谓准备听天由命了 

(选自ALD 4th Edition)

>>> 即说话者一时对自己选用的词/话语,找不到合适的表达,于是就用as it were来表明“我说的大致是这个意思吧,大致可以这么说吧”

>>> as it were 是固定词组,没有词形变化,直接引用。


C. as they are              

D. as they were

A. as it is   含义有两个 1.照原样;2. 事实上

这两个意思放这里都不对。比如“2. 事实上”,它暗含的是推翻以前的一个什么陈述

与这题的语义毫无关联。另外,CDA结构可以是一回事,即A 有词形变化。


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其它 2 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

选 as it is,网友的题干句子有问题,as it is 前后要用逗号隔开,最后一个分句应该是并列句,用so 引导。改正如下:

If you give children complete freedom, they will know, as it is, what's best for them, so you don't need any rules, or anything.

as it is 看作“习语”即可,意思相当于 in fact(实际上;事实上),在本句是插入语。know 的宾语是 what's best for them。

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答案选A,as it is. 意为  with the situation that exists. 在本句中可以译为:在这种情况下。通常翻译为:实际上。

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