1 Mary was a pleasure to work with.(句末为什么有with)

Mary was a pleasure to work with.

为什么句末要用一个介词 with?可以不要吗?

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最佳答案 2019-10-28 22:06


 Mary was a pleasure to work with.

=It is a pleasure to work with Mary.

=To work with Mary was a pleasure.

   【说明】可以说 work with sb. 不能说 work sb. 所以,这三个句子中的 with 不能省略。有时,根据动词不定式与句中某个名词的关系,在动词不定式后面需要使用适当的介词,但是在该介词后面不能出现宾语。这种“带 to 的动词不定式+介词”结构通常位于句末。例如:

    The village is pleasant to live in. 住在这个村子里很舒适。(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第三版452.5)= It is pleasant to live in the village. = To live in the village is pleasant.

    She needs other children to play with.她需要跟其他孩子一起玩。(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第三版452.5)

    Can you get me a chair to stand on? 你能拿一把椅子让我站在上面吗?(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第三版452.5)

    I've got lots of music to listen to.我有很多很多音乐可以听。(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第三版452.5)

    Their house isn't easy to get to.他们的房子不容易找到。(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第三版452.5)

    She's nice to talk to. 跟她说话很有意思。(同上,284)

    He's very easy to get on with. 他很容易相处。(同上)

    It's not a bad place to live in. 住在这地方挺不错。(同上)

    【备注】在非正式文体中,place 后面的动词不定式后,可以不用介词。如:

    I'm looking for a place to live. 我正在寻找住处。(较正式的用法:... a place to live in. 或 ... a place in which to live.)(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第三版 431)

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其它 1 个回答

蒋红秀   - 英语教师

这个 with 不能没有,因为句子主语与不定式之间为动宾关系,即:

Mary was a pleasure to work with.

=It is a pleasure to work with Mary.


He is difficult to work with.

=It is difficult to work with him.


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  • 王英   提出于 2019-10-25 06:26
