
我知道25-year-old 这样的复合形容词可以用于修饰人,如:
She has a ten-year-old son. 她有个10岁的儿子。
Mary drove. Her ten-year-old daughter sat behind. 玛丽开车,她10岁的女儿坐在后面。
In the car accident the mother was killed, but her two-year-old son was found alive. 在这次车祸中,母亲死了,但是她两岁的儿子却还活着。
但是 25-year-old 这样的复合形容词可以用于专有名词的人名吗?比如:
25-year-old Jack Smith 25岁的杰克•史密斯
32-year-old Patti Smith 32岁的帕蒂•史密斯

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龙 楠   - 英语教师


This definition much more aptly describes 16-year-old James than Harry. 这个定义非常准确地描述了16 岁的詹姆斯,但不是哈利。

Juventus are in talks with Vicenza for 18 year-old sensation Nicola Rigoni. 尤文图斯正在为18 天才球员——尼古拉·列干尼——同维琴察进行商谈。

Police said they had been unable to serve a summons on 26-year-old Lee Jones. 警方说他们无法传唤26岁的李·琼斯。

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  • 黄力松   提出于 2014-12-28 10:01
