​hang on to that如何理解

I would like to hang on to that.

这里to that是什么成分?

hang on to that应该如何去理解结构?

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最佳答案 2019-10-02 15:22

英国语言学家Frederick T. Wood在其《英语介词习语词典中》有如下解释:

当hang用于本义时,根据所表达的意义,可带不同的介词。例如:hang by a thread用一条线吊着,千钧一发,......,hang on to the branch of a tree挂到树枝上去,等等。也要注意英语口语里下列hang+介词的转义用法。


Hang on to:


For the rest of the evening my new acquaintance hung on to me.晚上其余的时间,我的一个新相识缠着我不走。

We had better hang on to his party, or we may get lost.我们最好紧跟着他那伙人,否则我们就将迷路。


There's no hurry for the return of the book; you can hang on to it until I need it.这本书不必忙于归还,可以放在你那里,等我需要时再给我。


所以,你提供的句子应该是上面 2)的用法,句意:我想将那(件东西)保留下来。

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