some of them,some of which,som

在做选择题时,经常会见到 some of them, some of which, some of whom 等,请问它们的区别到底在哪些方面?谢谢!

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最佳答案 2014-12-22 16:27

some of them 不能引导定语从句,多用于并列句作为第二个分句,特别注意此时前面的第 1 个分句后多用分号,如果用逗号,则 some of them 前要有并列连词。此外,他还可以用于独立结构;而 some of which / whom 只能引导非限制性定语从句,其中先行词为人时用whom, 为物时用 which。
例1:Mike’s disappointment was shared by severalplayers who were present, ______ were so upset that they shouted at the judge.
A. some of them                        B. some of which
C. some ofthat                           D. some ofwhom
本题考查定从,先行词为人,所以选 D。
例2:I have many books,  some of _______ are on chemistry.
A. them        B. that           C. which            D. those
本题也考查定从,先行词为物,所以选 C。
例3:I have many books,  and some of _______ are on chemistry.
A. them        B. that           C. which            D. those
考查并列句,所以选 A。
例4:When at university, Tom did many travels, some of _______ places of interest. 
A. which       B. them          C. what             D. that
考查独立结构(由于后部分没有谓语,不是句子),因此选 B。
When at university, Tom did many travels ,some of  which are places of interest.(定从,先行词为物)
When at university,Tom did many travels, and some of  are places of interest.(有并列连词 and, 所以为并列句)
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其它 1 个回答


1. some of them “他(它)们中一些”,代词 them 可指人也可指事物。如:

Some of them make no bones about their political views. 他们中的一些人坦率地表达了自己的政治观点。

Mandarin is now being taught in over 500 primary and secondary schools, and some of them have made it a compulsory course. 英国超过 500 所中小学开设了中文课程,其中有些学校将中文列入了必修课。

2. some of which 引导定语从句,which 指事物。如:

I picked up the apples, some of which were badly bruised. 我拾起了一些苹果,其中一部分已经摔坏了。

3. some of whom 引导定语从句,which 指人。如:

Boats crammed with hot and angry holidaymakers, some of whom had waited for up to two days to cross. 船上满是情绪激动、怒气冲冲的度假者,有些人等船渡河已经等了两天了。

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  • 王思成   提出于 2014-12-22 15:49
