What X is to Y, that A is to B句型的分析


曹老师给出了满意的解答。最近 两个外籍人士也讨论了这个问题,最终结论和曹老师的观点一致。可谓英雄所见略同。



What light is to the eye, that knowledge is to the mind. [from Henry Cowles : The Revelation of John (1871)]  

My questions are as follows:

  1. Is the word “that” is a determiner or a conjunction?

  2. What does the word “that” refer to?

  3. What is the predicative in the part “that knowledge is to the mind”?


Hi, Sunshine and Gustavo,

I agree in essence with your analysis, Gustavo, and would simply like to share how I parse the sentence. Initially the sentence looked wrong to me, but then I imagined hearing it spoken dramatically, with "that" emphasized, as in an old-fashioned sermon, and everything fell into place for me.

I understand "that" to be a pronoun, which does not necessarily contradict the idea that it is a determiner. Pronouns are categorized as determiners in some varieties of modern generative grammar. The important point, however, for me, is that "knowledge" is not the complement of "that" in the sentence.

I understand "that" to be a pronoun that refers to the free relative clause, "what light is to the eye." (Free relative clauses are noun phrases and can be referred to by pronouns.) The main clause then uses topicalization. Instead of the word order "Knowledge is that to the mind," we have "That(,) knowledge is to the mind.

Knowledge is [what light is to the eye / THAT] to the mind.
Knowledge is ___ to the mind what light is to the eye / THAT.
What light is to the eye / THAT, knowledge is ___ to the mind.
What light is to the eyeTHAT knowledge is to the mind.

Normally, in modern speech, we'd use the second version, with the extraposed free relative clause and no "that": "Knowledge is to the mind what light is to the eye." The underlying word order -- "Knowledge is what light is to the eye to the mind" -- is too hard to process. Also natural is the third sentence without "that":

  • What light is to the eye, knowledge is to the mind.



Yes, David. Your parsing is perfect.

Here I've found a similar example, taken from The Lives of the Saints, by Reverend Alban Butler:

- What food is to the body, that our thoughts and reflections are to the mind.

According to the text, this means that our thoughts and reflections are as nourishing for the mind as food is for the body. "what" and "that" refer to that nourishing property.



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其它 6 个回答


在以前的一个帖子中 http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-34695.html 

钟老师和凡哥 都认为 What X is to Y, that A is to B. 是错误的。要求原版例句证明有这种用法。


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凡哥英语   - 归师

春风兄的钻研精神值得佩服。可惜,浏览了“老外”讨论的原贴,我并没有看到“英文原著”中出现 What light is to the eye, that knowledge is to the mind.这个句子,原贴仅仅提到在某人写的某篇文章中出现过这个句,但并没有贴出原文,反而是回答问题的“老外”GUSTAVO贴出的原文中,出现了What light is to the eye, knowledge is to the mind.





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mengxin Z

RE: "钟老师则压根否定that"



grammar exchange(是语言网站)上答题的只是一两个人

WR(是语言论坛)上平时在线有4000人,别说“友情客串”的老外, 光版主不下20人(目测有40人以上)。WR上对这个结构早已下结论:错的。




imagined ;spoken dramatically;in an old-fashioned sermon






比如我们很多英汉词典都会有keep silence, 这个就是宗教化的用词

世俗文化,只会用keep silent. 现在也会认为keep silence 是错误用词






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Knowledge is [what light is to the eye / THAT] to the mind.
Knowledge is ___ to the mind what light is to the eye / THAT.(右偏置,没有that, 是常用的)
What light is to the eye / THAT, knowledge is ___ to the mind.(左偏置,没有that, 是常用的)
What light is to the eyeTHAT knowledge is to the mind.

我在这里记录一下,我对这个问题的心路历程。之前看曹老师的这个解答,http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-34716.html。我理解为,What light is to the eye, that knowledge is to the mind. = Knowledge is [THAT] to the mind. 这里的that=左偏置结构中what(=the something which)中的the something。 今天看了这个老外的分析,加深了我的理解,其实这里的what也可以理解成为the something+修饰成分(to the eye, light is the something)。但是最好的理解方式还是按照老外说的,Knowledge is [what light is to the eye / THAT] to the mind. 理由是Free relative clauses are noun phrases and can be referred to by pronouns. 

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What X is to Y能否当做比较状语从句呢?还是仅仅是比较状语

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  • 如沐春风 提出于 2019-09-07 18:24
