in possession of的用法与翻译

in possession of属于什么结构,怎么用呢,在句中怎么翻译?

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最佳答案 2019-10-21 22:37

possession是动词possess 的同源名词。英语表示相同或类似的意思,可以用动词结构,也可以用名词结构。例如,表示 ”目前他拥有这幅画。” 英语可以说 He possesses the picture at the moment. 也可以说 He is in possession of the picture at the moment.

be in possession of sth = possess sth 都有某人拥有某物的意思。二者的区别是用名词性结构,语体较为正式,显得文绉绉的。故多见于书面语,口语中较为少见。动词结构较为简洁,精炼,但不如名词结构正式。

注意 in possession of sth具有主动意义,即某人拥有某物。如果要表示某物被某人所拥有这个被动意义时,possession 前需要用定冠词the. 比较下面二句:

Tom is in possession of the picture. 汤姆拥有这幅画。

The picture is in the possession of Tom. 这幅画为汤姆所拥有。

Tom is in control of the company. = Tom controls the companny.

The company is under the control of Tom.= The company is controlled by Tom.

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in possession of“拥有”是由“in+具有动词意义的名词+of”构成,关于它的用法,曹老师作了很好的解释。这样的短语有很多,例如:

in aid of帮助;

in behalf of代表,为了......利益;

in celebration of庆祝;

in charge of负责,管理;

in defence of保卫,为......辩护;

in explanation of解释;

in face of面对;

in favour of赞成;

in fear of担心,害怕;

in hope of希望;

in memory of为纪念......;

in place of代替;

in possession of 占有, 拥有;

in praise of赞扬;

in need of需要;

in support of支持;

in search of寻找;


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陈才   - 英语教师

【1】施事者(执行者)+be in possession of +受事者(承受者)

Today, almost everyone is in possession of one or more credit cards. 


【2】受事者(承受者)+be in the possession of+施事者(执行者)

Those documents are now in the possession of the Washington Post. 


【3】施事者(执行者)+ possess+受事者(承受者)

Neither of them possessed a credit card.


Different workers possess different skills. 


He no longer possessed the power to frighten her. 



【1】施事者(执行者)+ take/have the possession of+受事者(承受者)
We didn’t take possession of the car until a few days after the auction.

The finance company now has possession of the house. 


【2】受事者(承受者)+be in one’s possession
That information is not in our possession. 


The house has been in the family’s possession since the 1500s.


【3】受事者(承受者)+come into one’s possession
How did the painting come into your possession  ?


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