
Old books (that have ceased to be service) should no more be abandoned than should old friends (who have ceased to give pleasure).
从句中should old friends是倒装而且使用了省略,还原成正装并补充完整为:
Old books (that have ceased to be service) should no more be abandoned than old friends (who have ceased to give pleasure) should be abandoned.
翻译为: 正如不再给你带来欢乐的老朋友不应该被抛弃一样,不在有价值的旧图书也不应该被抛弃。
请问:补充完整后怎么会变为 should be abandoned.这不是肯定语气吗。按照这个句子应该翻译为:正如不再给你带来欢乐的老朋友应该被抛弃一样,不在有价值的旧图书也不应该被抛弃。我觉得补充完整后应该是should not be abandoned才对呀。请各位英语前辈指教。谢谢!


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最佳答案 2019-09-03 10:04

你的理解错误缘于你不了解no more...than...结构。你把这个结构与not more...than...混淆了。先以简单例子说明:

He is as tall as she is.


He is not taller than she is.


He is no taller than she is.

注意这个句子用的是no (=not any), 而不是not, 意思就大不相同了。这就是no more...than...结构,表示既否定A,也否定B。表达的逻辑是,她不是高个,是个矮子,他比她高不到哪儿去,也是个矮子。他们二人都是矮子。即 Neither he nor she is tall. He is as short as she is.

现在回到你的句子,no more...than...表示二者都不的意思,翻译为:正如不可抛弃老朋友一样,不再有用的书也不可抛弃。


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其它 1 个回答

mengxin Z

请问:补充完整后怎么会变为 should be abandoned.这不是肯定语气吗?


1. He is taller than she (is).

2. He is not taller than she (is).

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  • chen222246lei 提出于 2019-08-27 18:32
