in a tree与on a tree的区别


A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid that the branch will break because its trust is not on the branch but on its own wings.



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最佳答案 2019-08-27 09:11

这里的tree 实际是 tree branch (树枝)的意思。这是由sitting 的语义决定的。

如果表示我听到鸟儿在树上鸣叫,则为 I heard some birds singing in the tree. 而不是 on the tree.

我看见一只鸟落在树上(树枝上):I saw a bird land on a tree.

我看见一只鸟在树上栖息。: I saw a bird sitting on a tree.

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  • 琉璃 提出于 2019-08-23 15:26
