

This bridge will be knocked down before long.

请问老师,“不久之后”有哪些表达方式?“拆掉”有哪些种说法?一直认为 knock down 是“撞倒”的意思。谢谢老师。

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最佳答案 2014-12-17 21:42



His latest book will appear soon他的新书将在最近出版。

Soon the house (was) filled with people. 不久房子里就坐满了人。

Believe it or not, they got married soon信不信由你,他们不久就结婚了。


He will be back shortly他不久就回来。

She expects to pay all her debts off shortly她预计不久就能还清全部欠债。

soon after

He arrived soon after他不久就到了。

I rang for a taxi and it arrived soon after我打电话叫了计程车,不一会儿车就到了。

before long

Before long he got married. 不久他就结婚了。

I’ll see the film before long. 我不久就要看这部电影。

I hope to write to you before long我希望不久就能给你写信。

It won’t be [wasn’t] long before…

It won’t be long before we see each other. 不久我们又会见面的。

It won’t be long before they understand each other. 过不了多久他们就会互相了解的。


It wasn’t long before he realized his mistake. =Before long herealized his mistake. 不久他意识到了自己的错误。

by and by

He will come back by and by他不久就会回来。

By and by they got married. 不久他们就结了婚。

not long afterward

Not long afterward, he became a bishop. 不久以后,他成为了一名主教。

Not long afterward she received five calls in one day.  不久之后,她一天内就接到了5个电话。



A wrecking team demolished the old building 一个建筑拆除队将这幢老建筑拆毁了。

They failed to give notification of their intention to demolish thebuilding. 他们没有通知说打算拆除这栋房子。

knock down

These old houses are going to be knocked down这些旧房子将要拆掉。

My father knocked down several internal walls of our house. 父亲已拆掉了家里的几面内墙。

It took a whole day of hard effort to knock down the wall. 努力苦干了一整天才把墙拆掉。

pull down

They decided to pull down the old office building. 他们决定折掉这幢旧办公大楼。

There was a great uproar over plans to pull down the old library. 拆除旧图书馆的计划引起了轩然大波。

tear down

They’re tearing down some old houses to build a new office block. 他们正在拆除旧房,以建造新的办公楼。

They’re going to tear down the old hospital and build a new one. 他们打算把这家老医院拆掉,并要建一家新医院。

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其它 2 个回答


不久之后:before long , soon, soon after;

拆掉:take down:

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  • 1 收藏,14353 浏览
  • 林枫 提出于 2014-12-17 20:07
