1 定语从句先行词问题

But all that explosion of wind, it turned out, was actual preparation for the terms of peace which, to the extreme distaste of Tories who still opposed peace at any price, concluded the manifesto.

请问专家老师我理解的这里的先行词是terms,然而定语从句的谓语部分是concluded the manifesto即达成宣言,然而terms 达成宣言这里好像翻译起来很别扭啊,希望老师指点一下。

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最佳答案 2019-08-13 23:37

这也是《红星照耀中国》里的文字么?第一眼看到Tories, 还以为是时文。

But all that explosion of wind, it turned out, was actual preparation for the terms of peace which, to the extreme distaste of Tories who still opposed peace at any price, concluded the manifesto.

= But it turned out that all that explosion of wind was actual preparation for the terms of peace which, (to the extreme distaste of Tories who still opposed peace at any price), concluded the manifesto.

1. turn out (有点意外的)结果是...

2. explosion of wind 它的基本意思是“风的爆炸(声)”, 比如鱼泡破裂(发出的声音)之类。 这里估计是指“像放空炮一样的东西”,“空炮话”。

3. 划线部分的结构类同 to my surprise 这种结构

4. Tories 中国没有保守党(托利党),这个估计是指反共的国民党右派

5. conclude :读这句子的第一感觉是 establish, 是侧重宣言的达成。 但毕竟还是按字典的解释正规:bring or come to an end. 字面上,是结束该宣言末尾的文字,它实际包含了establish的含义,所以按字典理解就行了。当然也许还有引申意义,但读小说,没必要那么麻烦吧。


Father Charles Sweeney and Rev Bruce Hayes switch on Castletownshend Christmas lights at 6 p.m. and carol singing concludes a great day out for all the family.

The martial beat of ‘Onward, Christian Soldiers’ (a hymn I stopped singing decades ago) concludes the service.

大意:这些空炮话  居然是  给宣言   结尾的和平条款<被写进来>   做准备,


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  • 张国锋 提出于 2019-08-13 10:30
