The typhoon inflicted severe damage on the island.

请问老师on能换成to吗? 谢谢!

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最佳答案 2020-01-11 20:48

To inflict harm or damage on someone or something means to make them suffer it.


Rebels say they have inflicted heavy casualties on government forces.


介词on 含有“强加于;施加于”之意,让对方不情愿地接受。此句不能用to。

关于on 表示“强加于;施加于” 的例句:

The police used unnecessary violence on the crowd. 警察对群众施加不必要的暴力。

The government imposed export restraints on some products. 政府对某些产品实行出口限制。

She centered her affection on her son.  她把爱集中在儿子身上。

The computer has a great impact on modern life.  计算机对现代生活产生了很大的影响。

How will the war impact on his generation?  战争对他这一代会有什么影响呢?

Punishment had very little effect on him.  惩罚对他没有什么效果。

Don't be too hard on him; he didn't mean to do it.  不要对他太严厉,他并不是故意这么做的。


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inflict something on/upon somebody/something


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mengxin Z

向岛屿发颗导弹,方向/针对关系 是to,爆炸则是在岛上,on


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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

    The typhoon inflicted severe damage on the island.

    这里的 on 不能换成to,但是可以改为 upon。

    inflict damage on ... 对...施加伤害(摘自外语教学与研究出版社1997年1月第1版《英汉多功能词典》damage)

    《韦氏高阶英汉双解词典》指出:inflict 经常与 on 或者 upon 连用,例如:He shows no regret for the suffering he has inflicted on / upon these innocent people. 对于自己给这些无辜的人们所带来的苦难,他毫无悔意。They continue to inflict their strange ideas about nutrition on / upon their children. 他们继续把有关营养的奇怪想法强加给自己的孩子们。


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  • xtaipdc 提出于 2019-08-05 08:39
