Be supposed to是按被动理解还是形容词(后面不定式充当什么成分)

You are not supposed to ring on this phone. 

Be supposed to是按被动理解还是形容词理解?它后面接的不定式充当句子的什么成分呢? 额外有个小问题,ring+on 是说明ring不及物吗?所以加介词?(字典中没有标注vi vt...)

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最佳答案 2019-08-05 19:16

supposed 是形容词。

be supposed to do 表示“义务”,相当于情态动词用法:should do, ought to do。

之前我曾经提出过,这类 be + adj. to do 结构,应该视为“合成谓语”,不宜拆分。

此外,“合成谓语” 还应包括以下几种情况:这类结构具有“情态意义”,表示“能力、义务、意愿、推测”等。它们在意义上相当于对应的情态动词。

(1)能力类:be + able, unable + to do     = can do;can not do

(2)义务类:be obliged,supposed to do     = must do, should do

(3)意愿类:be + willing, unwilling + to do    = will do

    【注】意愿类应包括倾向类:be + ready, apt, anxious, eager, curious + to do

(4)推测类:be + sure, certain, likely + to do  = must do, may do 



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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

       根据外语教学与研究出版社1997年1月第1版,be supposed to 中的 supposed 不是形容词而是动词。在该词典 suppose (动词)词条中有以下内容:

       be supposed to do (1) 理应... , 应当... ,按理 / He is supposed to be there on time. 按理他应准时到那儿。 / We are  supposed to help each other. 我们理应彼此帮助(可是并没有)。(2)(与否定词连用)(口语)不可...,不许... (表示委婉的禁止) You are not  supposed to smoke in this building. 你不许在这栋建筑物内吸烟。

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supposed为形容词,常构成习语“be supposed to”意为“应该”、“理应”,其后接动词原形(有时为进行式或完成式)。如:

You are supposed to be there before dark. 你应该在天黑前赶到那儿。

He’s supposed to be doing his homework at home now. 他现在应该在家里做作业。

He is supposed to have written us a letter. 他本来应该给我们写封信的。


You’re not supposed to smoke in here. 此地不准吸烟。


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