不定式用法(to not可以写成not to吗)

It is just as rude to decline the offer of a seat as it is to not offer a seat.

请问各位老师,to not可以写成not to吗?

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最佳答案 2019-08-04 10:34

这里的to not 可以改为 not to ,这是分裂不定式的用法,并不常见,建议初学者慎用。《剑桥高阶英汉双解词典》break 词条下有类似的一个例句:This decision to not call their daughter Jane was a break with family tradition. 另外,美国当代英语语料库(VOVA)中也不乏这样的例句:

They were warned to not look their captors in the face.他们被警告不要直视逮捕他们的人。

This experience has taught me to not have to be in control of everything.这段经历让我学会了不要去控制一切。

I'm trying to not make excuses, because I don't think excuses are acceptable.我尽量不找借口,因为我认为借口是不可接受的。

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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)


    The only unforgivable sin is to not show up.(唯一不可饶恕的罪过就是没有出场。)

    Many professional players hope to never play there again.(许多职业演员都希望永远不在那里表演了。)



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  • 2 收藏,3562 浏览
  • xialeilalala 提出于 2019-07-31 20:32
