
be responsible for sth.【for sth】不是修饰be吗?为什么说修饰responsible 

be afraid of sth.

be interested in sth

He lives far from the station.

He put the drug away from children.

He went out of the room


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最佳答案 2019-07-27 07:09

be responsible for sth. for为responsible固定搭配的介词,介词短语为表语形容词的修饰语,传统语法称为形容词的状语,现代语法称为形容词的补足语。形容词短语作表语。

be afraid of sth. 分析同上。

be interested in sth 分析同上。

He lives far from the station. far from分析为复合介词,介词短语作状语。

He put the drug away from children. away from分析为复合介词,介词短语作状语。

He went out of the room. out of分析为复合介词。介词短语作状语。


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