agree with sb that...是什么从句

I hope you will agree with me that our teacher’s advice is perfect. 


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最佳答案 2020-01-19 14:48

句子没有问题。with me是介词短语作状语,that从句作宾语。估计你是将agree with作为一个整体接宾语me,所以that从句的成分无法划分。其实,agree常可与about, among, on, to, with等介词搭配,当agree接that引导的宾语从句时,可根据需要在agree和从句之间加适当的介词短语作状语。又如:
Without trying to decide what Hume and Locke wanted, I expect we can agree among ourselves that the most the empiricist can reasonably demand is definition of words in context, sentence by sentence.我们先不管休谟和洛克是怎么想的,但我希望在我们之间能达成共识:经验主义者能够合理要求的,最多不过是对词的逐句逐句的语境定义。

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with me是状语,that 从句为宾语从句。

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  • qhl222 提出于 2019-07-18 21:28
