learn of sth through/by/from/on辨析

I learnt of the vacancy through a newspaper advertisement.

1. learn在解释"获知"的意思时,同时有及物和不及物2种词性,是不是意味着不写of也可以?

2. 这个介词through能否用by/from/on?

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最佳答案 2020-01-19 23:29

learn 表示“获悉,得知,听到”时,其后通常接从句。如:

Last week she learned that she was pregnant. 上个星期她得知自己怀孕了。

I later learnt (that) the message had never arrived. 我后来听说从来就没有收到过那个消息。

We were very surprised to learn (that) she had got married again. 我们听说她又结婚了,感到很惊讶。 

若后接名词或代词作宾语,则通常要接介词 of(有时也接 about)。如:

The wider world learned of his illness months after he told his family. 他把病情告诉了家人的多个月后外界才知道。

He learned about his appointment by telephone yesterday. 昨天他从电话里得知自己被任命的消息。

表示通过……得知,通常用介词 through:

I learned of the job through friends.  我通过朋友得知那份工作。

Bob learned of the contract through a story in the newspaper. 鲍勃从报纸上的一则报道知道了这个合同。

用于此义时通常不用介词by或on,若用介词 from,则表示“从……听说或获悉”。如:

I learned of her arrival from a close friend. 我从一个好友那里听说她到了。

I learned of your new address from your parents. 我从你父母那里知道了你的通讯地址。

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