get to与go to有什么区别

The good thing about rainy days is we get to watch important Tv programs.


这里的get to不知道是什么意思,他跟go to有什么区别阿?

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最佳答案 2019-07-15 19:04

 get to do sth: 有机会做某事,得以做某事,能做某事。

to have or be given the chance to do something : to be able to do something

  • She never got to go to college. 她一直没机会上大学。

  • Why do I never get to drive the car?为什么我一直不能开车?

  • She hopes she'll finally get to spend more time working on her garden this year.她希望今年她最终能有机会花更多的时间在园艺上。

go to do sth: 去做某事。

She has gone to see her sister. 她去看望她姐姐了。

go to show/prove: = : to help show or prove something

  • Her success goes to show that if you work hard, you can make your dreams come true. 他的成功有助于表明,如果你努力工作,你的梦想就可以实现。

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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

    get to do sth 有机会做某事,得以做某事(to have the opportunity to do something):She's nice once you get to know her. 一旦了解她,你就会知道她是个好人。(摘自《朗文多功能英汉双解词典》第五版)

    go to do sth  去做某事: Mick's gone to buy a paper.米克买报纸去了。(摘自《朗文多功能英汉双解词典》第五版)

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