grazing 的词义比较模糊,我试着推测一下该词的词义:
这里,grazing 应该是graze 的动名词。根据表语是一个表示方式的从句,那么,grazing 应该是指一种“吃饭的方式”。
graze 原本指“牛羊吃草”,这里涉及到“人”,就不能是吃草了。只好引申为“啃着吃”——这也算是吃饭的一种方式,与后面表示方式的表语从句内容吻合。
3 [intransitive] graze (on something) (informal) to eat small amounts of food many times during the day, often while doing other things, instead of eating three meals
I have this really bad habit of grazing on junk food.
Some patients find it better to graze, eating lots of small snacks throughout the day.
Grazing is becoming the American way of eating.
Food grazing can lead to obesity.
If you asked the question elsewhere in Asia, Taiwan would be cited alongside Hong Kong and Singapore as a prime destination for xiao chi, “small food” from street stalls, like scallion pancakes, black pepper buns, oyster omelets and every kind of dumpling imaginable. (“Grazing is how Taiwanese people love to eat,” Vivian Ku said.) Taiwan also set off the East Asian trend for foods with “Q,” the local term for the springy texture shared by thick rice noodles, tapioca pearls and fish balls.
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