
He, too, had been bitten by the moral tarantula, Rousseau; he, too, felt weighing on his soul that moral fanaticism of which another disciple of Rousseau's, Robespierre, felt and proclaimed himself to be the executor.

先行词moral fanaticism 放到定语从句后,是felt of moral fanaticism吗

feel of 可以这么用吗

还有根据of 的所有格用法,不应该是disciple of Rousseau?

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最佳答案 2019-07-12 13:50



■ 根据moral fanaticism of which another disciple of Rousseau's, Robespierre, felt and proclaimed himself to be the executor: de fonder sur la terre l'empire de la sagesse de la justice et de la vertu.


another disciple of Rousseau's, Robespierre, felt and proclaimed himself to be the executor of moral fanaticism


■ feel的用法:

She felt herself to be part of a large business empire... 《柯林斯高阶英语词典》



道德毒蜘蛛卢梭也让他(康德)如痴如醉,卢梭学生罗伯斯比尔的道德狂热也使他(康德)心神难安——罗伯斯比尔认为自己是并且宣告自己是道德狂热的执行者:de fonder sur la terre l’empire de la sagesse, de la justice et de la vertu (在地上建立智慧、正义和美德的大厦)








Alas!  He did not succeed in his aim quite the contrary—as we must acknowledge today.  With this exalted aim Kant was merely a true son of his century which more than any other may justly be called the century of enthusiasm: and this he fortunately continued to be in respect to the more valuable side of this century (with that solid piece of sensuality for example which he introduced into his theory of knowledge). 


He, too, had been bitten by the moral tarantula Rousseau; he, too, felt weighing on his soul that moral fanaticism of which another disciple of Rousseau's ,Robespierre, felt and proclaimed himself to be the executor: de fonder sur la terre l'empire de la sagesse de la justice et de la vertu.  (Speech of June 7th  1794.)  On the other hand, with such a French fanaticism in his heart, no one could have cultivated it in a less French more deep more thorough and more German manner—if the word German is still permissible in this sense—than Kant did: in order to make room for his "moral kingdom" he found himself compelled to add to it an indemonstrable world a logical "beyond "—that was why he required his critique of pure reason! 


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其它 1 个回答

mengxin Z

He, too, had been bitten by the moral tarantula, Rousseau; he, too, felt weighing on his soul that moral fanaticism of which another disciple of Rousseau's, Robespierre, felt and proclaimed himself to be the executor.

先行词moral fanaticism 放到定语从句后,是felt of moral fanaticism吗

feel of 可以这么用吗


= He, too, had been bitten by the moral tarantula, Rousseau; he, too, felt weighing on his soul that moral fanaticism, 

another disciple of Rousseau's,  Robespierre, felt and proclaimed himself to be the executor + of which 



// 罗伯斯庇尔曾在一次演说中说:'de fonder sur la terre l'empire de la sagesse, de la justice et de la vertu'  (把智慧、正义及美德创立在人间)


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