
之前在语法书中看到过,短语动词与宾格的位置关系好像通常都是把宾格放在中间。就像,blow it out,cut it out,let me down 这样。然后刚才看到了 see through it,这个动词短语中的宾格it放在了sth的位置上,我有点困惑。请问,是否在动词短语里并没有一个绝对的位置关系,不同的短语有不同的位置规则?如果是这样的话,它们之间是否有某种规律呢?望老师指点。

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最佳答案 2019-07-06 14:01



 A.短语动词(phrasal verb),例如:set up(建立),put away(拿走),find out(发现),bring up (培养),turn on[开(灯)],hand in(交上),call off(取消),give in(放弃)。switch on[打开 (灯)],take in(欺骗)。

 B.介词动词(prepositional verb),例如:look at(看),cope with(妥善处理),care for(喜欢,关怀),approve of(赞成),go into(调查,探究)。


 (一)A类动词(短语动词)的小品词 (up,away,out,on,in,off等等)可以看作是副词,它们可以与动词粘连在一起使用,也可以与动词分开,也就是说,它们可以放在宾语的前面,也可以放在宾语的后面(取SVOA语序):

 1. I will turn on the radio. / I will turn the radio on. (IME)


 2. Since John cannot come tonight,we are going to put the party off until next week. (IME)


 3. When you go to bed,be sure to put your cigarette out before you put out the lights. (IME)


 4. I cannot make my mind up whether to go or not. (IME)


 5. Do you look your old friends up when you go back to your home town? (IME)


 6. Mr. Stone has made his business over to his son. (IME)


 7. Why don’t you shut that motor off when you are not using it? (IME)


 8. I am going to take these gloves back to the store; they do not fit. (IME)


 9. Congress will take the proposal up next week. (IME)


 10. I have already worn these shoes out. (IME)


 11. Have you worked that puzzle out yet? (IME)



 1. She called on her friends.


 2. Look at the camera,please. (Wood)



 1. Call me up after the meeting. (IME)


 2. Lane's grandparents brought him up because his parents had died when he was sixmouths old.


 3. She called on them. (CGEL)


 4. She stood in the road looking after him. (Wells)



引自:赵振才 编著.英语常见问题解答大词典.哈尔滨:黑龙江人民出版社.1998.

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