完成时态用法(He have been there​如何理解)

He have been there.是表示“他去过那里”还是“他一直在那里”?谢谢!

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最佳答案 2019-07-06 10:16

He has been there. = He has been to that place. 他曾经去过那里。具体时间未做说明。

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

He have been there.是表示“他去过那里”还是“他一直在那里”?谢谢!

【答】He have been there.是错误的,应该改为:He has been there. 意思是:“他已经去过那里。(现在不在那里了)”

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mengxin Z

1. He has been there. 

2. He has been there for three years.


句2加了个“for three years”, 仍然是他可能在那里,也可能不在那里


He(went there and)stayed there (for three years).


He has been living there (for three years). 

要100% 表示他现在在那里

He is now living there.


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  • 1 收藏,5612 浏览
  • 曹强 提出于 2019-07-04 13:20
