a feeling of 和后面的词是构成动宾关系吗

Horror is a feeling of great shock, fear, and worry caused by something extremely unpleasant.

a feeling of 和后面的词是构成动宾关系吗?

caused by something extremely unpleasant.修饰什么?

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最佳答案 2019-07-03 17:44

Horror is a feeling of great shock, fear, and worry caused by something extremely unpleasant.

of表示同位关系。例如:Fear is a feeling. feeling在此为名词,不表示动作。cause 过去分词短语修饰 a feeling of great shock, fear, and worry 这个名词词组。

If you have a feeling of hunger, tiredness, or other physical sensation, you experience it.

of 仍表示同位关系。it指代feeling,等于such a feeling.

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看来网友刺杀骑士团长对介词of的用法的确情有独钟,在本站多次提到此类问题,刘老师曾作过详细解答。我很赞同曹老师的解答,a feeling of hunger中的feeling是名词,不是动名词,of huanger是介词短语作定语,修饰名词feeling,两名词存在同位关系。对此我也曾发表过拙见,在此重新贴上,供网友们参考:

此类of短语本身是后置定语,但它与前面的名词存在同位关系。判断of后的名词是否与前面名词存在同位关系的方法很简单,将of前的名词视为主语,of后的名词视为表语,如果表语能说明主语,那它们便是同位关系。即:the city of Shanghai → The city is Shanghai.。下例各短语均有这种同位关系:

the issue of housing住房问题;the river of Yangtze扬子江;the age of sixteen十六岁;the name of James詹姆斯之名。

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