In the world of business, gaining profits is not all there is. Even with the best products and good business practices, a solid business relationship among members of the company and the customers is very essential to the success of the business.
There is修饰all做定语从句表示什么意思?business practices又是什么意思?
1. in the world of business:“在商界”。
2. business practices:“商业行为”,即:“经商之道”。good business practices 指“良好的商业道德和操守”。
3. all there is:there is 是定语从句,一般省略关系代词,作all 的定语。there is 貌似“可有可无”,实则不是。它对 all 作了特别的限定:“现今应有的”,强调“时代性”和“义务性”。“获取利润” 不是当今商业行为应追求的全部,“经商”不仅要有经济效益,而且也要社会效益,体现社会责任感。