若语义需要,have to可以有不定式、分词、动名词等非谓语形式。如:
1. have to用于不定式
I don’t want to have to get her to start telling lies. 我不想逼她开始说谎。
I hate to have to get up in the morning. 我真不愿意早上非得起来不可。
2. have to用于现在分词
I felt very foolish having to stand up and give a speech. 我必须站起来讲话,感到很难为情。
They landed up not only having to apologize but also offering to pay. 他们最后不但同意道歉, 而且还要付款。
3. have to用于动名词
Having to change trains is a small inconvenience. 换乘火车多少有些不便。
You should offer to help without my having to ask. 你应该不用我请求就提供帮助。
Having to accept the money was a blow to her pride. 她不得不接受这笔钱, 这对她的自尊心是个打击。