
He said he would never forget the moment when he first met Tom and which he regarded as the happiest in his life. 他说他绝不会忘记第一次与汤姆相见的那一时刻,那一刻被他视为一生中最幸福的时刻。





就像“I like the tie you wear which your sister gave to you as birthday gift. ”没有and一样。


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最佳答案 2019-06-08 18:45

He said he would never forget the moment when he first met Tom and which he regarded as the happiest in his life. 他说他绝不会忘记第一次与汤姆相见的那一时刻,那一刻被他视为一生中最幸福的时刻。


根据 “定语从句的个数” 和“多个定语从句之间的关系”,定语从句可分为 “简单定语从句” 和 “复杂定语从句”(亦叫:混杂式定语从句)。我们平时见到的、用到的,大都为“简单定语从句”。下面,我对“复杂定语从句” 的特征及其分类,详解如下:

1. 嵌入式定语从句:

He is the only person who we expect will win. 他是我们期望唯一能胜的人。

She had a book which she believed was bought by her father at a dear price. 她有一本父亲送她的书,她相信是父亲花了大价钱专门买来送她的。

2. 并列式定语从句:

Paris is a good place where art is so popular and which many people appreciate. 巴黎是一个其那儿艺术非常受欢迎和许多人赞赏的好地方。

I find it hard to leave the land where I have lived for 30 years and where there are sweet memories of my childhood. 我发现很难离开这片土地,我在那里生活了30年,在那里有我甜美的童年记忆。

3. 多重式定语从句:

Is there anything else you'd like you don't see on the shelves? 有没有别的你想要的东西,现在架子上还没有?

I like the tie you wear which your sister gave to you as birthday gift. 我喜欢你戴的那条领带,那是你姐姐送给你的生日礼物。

What else do you do in your whole life that you’re really good at that you only do once a year? 在你一生中,你还做什么是你真正擅长的,而你一年只做一次的事情?

这三种格式,是有严格区别的。现在,有些人把这3 种定语从句混在一起,看作一回事。这是十分错误的!


1. “嵌入式”,相当于在定语从句前加了一个“主谓句”,让定语从句作其宾语。如:who will win 作了we expect 的宾语从句。which was bought by her father at a dear price 作了 she believed 的宾语从句。

2. “并列式”,是两个或以上的定语从句相互并列,中间由and连接,共同修饰一个先行词。其特点是:由and 连接并列;有先后顺序,但相互之间不包含、不修饰,各行其是。

3. “多重式”,是两个定语从句,按先后顺序和不同层次修饰先行词。即:第一个定语从句修饰先行词之后,第二个定语从句再次修饰包括第一个从句在内的先行词。中间不允许有and 连接!例如网友这句:

I like the tie you wear which your sister gave to you as birthday gift.


the tie 被“你现在佩戴的”修饰过一次,同时又是“你姐姐送给你的生日礼物”。我把第二个定语从句,按照非限制性翻译,就明确体现出“多重”的意思了:

I like the tie you wear which your sister gave to you as birthday gift.



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其它 1 个回答

mengxin Z

He said he would never forget the moment when he first met Tom and which he regarded as the happiest in his life.




He said he would never forget the moment when he first met Tom


He said he regarded the moment as the happiest (one,下略) in his life.


He said he would never forget the moment when he first met Tom and he said he regarded the moment as the happiest in his life.


He said he would never forget the moment when he first met Tom and he said he regarded the moment (---> it)as the happiest in his life.


He said he would never forget the moment when he first met Tom and he would regard it as the happiest in his life.  (假如这个我给10分)



你看到 it = moment, 换成which, 既然用了which, 那个and 也不能要了,于是就是题目的句子了:

He said he would never forget the moment when he first met Tom and which he regarded as the happiest in his life.  (这个我只给7-8分)


没办法啊,when从句与which从句都修饰the moment, 并列连一下。此and与彼and其实不同。原来做大爷的句子,画风一变,缩到人家肚子里做孙子了。呵呵。也就是说,这一结构根本性的变化,其实在这个句子里,并不见好。


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  • Michaelson 提出于 2019-06-08 13:16
