one-half a pack per day到底一天抽几包烟

Three million adolescents smoke cigarettes,  an average of one-half a pack per day, a 1 billion dollars a year market.

老师好,请问主句后面两个短语分别是什么成分?还有,one-half a pack per day到底一天抽几包烟呀?又是0.5又是1的……

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最佳答案 2019-06-06 08:16

句子末尾的两个名词性短语: an average of one-half a pack per day 和 a 1 billion dollars a year market,作全句的补充性状语。第一个表示“人均吸烟数量”,第二个表示“市场份额”。

an average of one-half a pack per day:平均每天半包烟。

one-half,意为“一半;二分之一”,用法等于half,是一个“前置限定词”。像“分数、倍数概念” 的half, double, twice, three times, one-third 等,都是“前置限定词”都是前置限定词,放在冠词之前:one-half a pack(一包的一半,半包)。其格式为:前置限定词 + 冠词(物主代词/形容词) + 名词


His father is twice his age. 他父亲的年龄是其两倍。

Too often he only absorbs one-half the information in the manual. 他对于说明书上所说的经常是一知半解。

But women spend nearly double the amount of time on domestic chores than men. 但是,女人们花在家务琐事上的时间几乎是男人的两倍。

The aeroplane will travel at twice the speed of sound. 这架飞机的速度将是音速的两倍。

That man is twice my weight. 那个男子的体重比我重一倍。

One month later, we will receive an order for the same product, but three times the quantity. 但一个月后,我们又接到同样的订单,而且要原来三倍的量。

Our school is one third the size of yours. 我们学校只有你们学习的三分之一大。

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  • JinjiKikko 提出于 2019-06-05 22:18
