rather than并列问题

Rather than reflecting public opinion, America's lawmakers have for decades found it more useful to inflame it.

请问老师rather than是和谓语并列还是和不定式并列?

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最佳答案 2019-06-07 12:29

Rather than reflecting public opinion, America's lawmakers have for decades found it more useful to inflame it.

从整个句子看,“反映民意”(reflecting public opinion)和“煽动民意”(to inflame it),是两个完全并列的成分。但是,原句一个是动名词,一个是不定式。在语法上,原句有误,应改为:Rather than reflect public opinion。因为rather than 是一个复合连词,连接两个并列且对等的成分。有时为了强调,可以提到句首。rather than 如果连接不定式,一般省略to。全句应该是:

Rather than reflect public opinion, America's lawmakers have for decades found it more useful to inflame it.



Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train west to east across Canada.


【说明】take the aeroplane all the way 与 to fly to Vancouver 并列。(take 是省略to 的不定式)

Rather than reflect public opinion 与 to inflame it 并列。(reflect 是省略to 的不定式)

关于rather than 用法:

rather than 是一个常用的固定连词,表示“取舍关系”,rather than 之后的部分为“舍”。 rather than的意思有两个:①“而不是”;②“宁可/宁愿......也不/决不”(rather than 之前是“宁可/宁愿”,rather than 之后是“也不/决不”)。本句中rather than 的用法属于前者。那么,rather than 之后可以跟什么成分呢?

当rather than表示“而不是”的意思时,它后面可以跟名词、代词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、现在分词、过去分词、甚至从句,但这些必须和前面的成分是并列同等的。例如:

I like football rather than basketball. 我喜欢足球,而不喜欢篮球。(名词)

You should go there rather than I. 是你而非我应该去那里。(代词)

These shoes are comfortable rather than good-looking. 这些鞋子舒适而非好看。(形容词)

He writes fast rather than carefully. 他写字快但不认真。(副词)

She did it by herself rather than with the help of others. 她自己做,而不用别人帮忙。(介词短语)

She was smiling rather than laughing. 她在微笑,不是哈哈大笑。(现在分词)

He was rewarded rather than punished. 他收到了奖励,并不是惩罚。(过去分词)

We should try to reform criminals rather than (to) punish them.我们应该尽力改造罪犯,而不是惩罚他们。(不定式)

I come here to help you rather than to harm you.我到这里是来帮助你的,不是来伤害你的。(不定式)

I reasoned rather than quarreled with him我理论,而不是和他吵架。(并列过去式)

I should thank you rather than that you thank me. 我应当谢你而不是你谢我。(句子)

I would go to see my uncle right now rather than when I have time some day.(从句)

上述例句中,rather than之后实际上是省略了与前面相对应的成分。

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  • xialeilalala 提出于 2019-06-02 14:42
