
老师好,请问下面两个句子的句子结构和They love it when the post arrives.// I’ll appreciate it if you can do me a favor.一样吗? 

句一:It would be preferable if it were forced to govern in coalition. 

句二 It sounds to me as if he needs professional help.

或(句子三)It sounds like you had a good time on your trip.

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最佳答案 2019-05-22 10:44

这5个句子中,对于it 的名称和语法作用,分析如下:

1. They love it when the post arrives.

——本句,it 是人称代词,指代when 从句内容。

2. I’ll appreciate it if you can do me a favor.

——本句,it 是人称代词,指代if 从句内容。

3. It would be preferable if it were forced to govern in coalition. 

——本句,it 仍然是人称代词,指代if 从句内容。

4. It sounds to me as if he needs professional help.

——本句,it 是虚拟主语(不是形式主语,不代替as if 从句),as if 从句是sounds 的表语从句。

5. It sounds like you had a good time on your trip.



有网友问,以下句子中的 it 到底是什么词?作什么句子成分?

I don’t like it when you shout at me.

I would appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will be coming.


1. 以上两句中的it,并非“形式宾语”,而是“真实宾语”,it是实实在在的人称代词,它替代的是when从句和if 从句的内容:分别为“你朝我大喊大叫”和“让我知道...”这两件事情。

2. when 和if 仍然是两个状语从句,仍然表示时间和条件概念。其实,代词it 在从句之后或之前均可,或者说,主句和从句位置可以互换,这充分说明 it 是人称代词。例如:

If I can get home by eight o’clock, I call it good luck.

If you could keep it to yourself I’d appreciate it.

He would much appreciate it if you could do him that favour.

She won’t like it if you arrive late.

3. it 除了充当主句的宾语,还可以充当主句的主语。从它作句子的主语来看,就更加证实了it 是人称代词。例如:

If you came earlier, it would be better.

It would be awful if he found out the truth.

It would be a shame if you lost it. 


这里,既然代词it 可以代替if 从句的内容作主语,那么,为何不能代替if 从句的内容作宾语?

4. 英语是“逻辑语言”,句子的外在形式和内容是和谐统一的。从句既要表达出“条件”或“时间”概念,主句还要保持成分的完整,没有了代词it,就缺少了宾语。因为两个状语从句是无法作宾语的!

5. 从“语用学”的角度分析:英语为了表达简练,无论条件句还是时间句,既要表示主句谓语发生的条件或时间,其内容也可以充当主句的某种成分(用代词it表示,避免重复从句的内容)。

6. 受汉语习惯的影响,英语中有些情况下的条件句和时间句,似乎翻译不出来,所以就认为如何如何。如果单纯用汉语的思维理解问题,无视英语句子自身的规律和表达方式,是不足取的。

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其它 1 个回答


They love it when the post arrives.和I’ll appreciate it if you can do me a favor.中的it都是虚拟宾语,指代when引导的从句和if从句所表述的内容。

众所周知,like, hate, enjoy等都是及物动词,必须接宾语,但状语从句不能用作宾语,因此用虚指的it占据宾语的位置。这样一来,when引导的从句在形式上是状语,而在语义上却变成宾语了。又如:

I hate it when people smoke in an air-conditioned room.我讨厌人们在空调房里吸烟。

He seemed to like it when Roger and I helped him.当我和罗杰搀扶他时,他似乎很开心。

The girl enjoys it when her boyfriend caresses her cheek lovingly.姑娘喜欢她的男友亲热地吻她的脸颊。

▲句一中的it为虚拟主语,指代if从句的内容;句二和句三的it为形式主语,指前文提到的事物,as if he needs professional help和like you had a good time on your trip作表语。

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  • JinjiKikko 提出于 2019-05-21 08:59
