
表示独一无二的职位(如 chairman, president, captain 等)作表语时,到底前面能不能用冠词,有的书上说不可以用,而有的书上又说可用可不用。我想请问一下,到底有没有比较权威的说法?

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最佳答案 2014-12-05 12:08


There is, however, one circumstance in which the zeroarticle occurs in such constructions: this is wherethe complement (or an equivalent appositive noun phrase) namesa UNIQUE ROLE or task. As the following examples show, in such cases thezero article alternates with the:


Maureen is (the) captain of the team.

John F. Kennedy was (the) President of the United States in 1961.

As (the) chairman of the committee, I declare this meeting closed.

They’ve appointed Fred (the) treasurer, and no doubt he will soon become (the) secretary.

Anne Martin, (the) star of the TV series and (the) author of a well-known book on international cuisine, has resigned from her post on the Consumer Council.


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  • 吴智文   提出于 2014-12-05 10:52
