句子结构分析How utterly reckless of humanity


How utterly reckless of humanity to have rushed past the Holocene boundary, ignoring—like a character in a horror movie—all of the obvious warning signs.

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最佳答案 2019-04-22 18:42

How utterly reckless of humanity to have rushed past the Holocene boundary, ignoring—like a character in a horror movie—all of the obvious warning signs.


1. How utterly reckless of humanity to have rushed past the Holocene boundary:感叹句。该句不完整,在形容词reckless 之后省略了 is it,其中it 是形式主语,to have rushed past the Holocene boundary 是真正主语(被外置)

完整的陈述句语序:It is utterly reckless of humanity to have rushed past the Holocene boundary.

完整的感叹句语序:How utterly reckless is it of humanity to have rushed past the Holocene boundary!


陈述句:It is foolish of Tom to have said so. (of 引出foolish 的逻辑主语)

省略的感叹句:How foolish of Tom to have said so!

完整的感叹句:How foolish is it of Tom to have said so!

2. ignoring—like a character in a horror movie—all of the obvious warning signs:现在分词短语,作结果状语。其中,插入的介词短语like a character in a horror movie, 是ignoring 的方式状语。all of the obvious warning signs 是ignoring 的宾语。

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其它 2 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

How utterly reckless (it is省略)of humanity to have rushed past the Holocene boundary!, ignoring—like a character in a horror movie—all of the obvious warning signs.


备注:以上句子感叹句应该使用“感叹号!” 而且,感叹句后面的主谓结构应该使用陈述语序:应该是“it is” 不是“is it

How utterly reckless (it is省略)of humanityto have rushed past the Holocene boundary,






(5)真正主语:(of humanity)to have rushed past the HOlocene boundary

(5)表语:How utterly reckless

备注utterly  为程度副词,作程度状语,修饰作表语形容词reckless,表程度加强。

A:utterly adv.全然;完全地;彻底地

Everything about the country seemed utterly different from what I'd experienced before. 


The new laws coming in are utterly ridiculous. 


B:reckless adj.轻率的;不计后果的;鲁莽的;无所顾忌的 

She loved to ride; on horseback, she was reckless and utterly without fear.


He is charged with causing death by reckless driving.  


备注:谓语由“系动词(is)+表语(how utterly reckless)”充当,因为是感叹句,所以把表语提前到句首位置,并放在how后面。

(6)不定式逻辑主语:of humanity 


What a nice girl (she is可省略) !




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1 刘老师关于本句为感叹句的分析是非常正确的。

2 感叹句通常采用自然语序,但也可以选择性地采用部分倒装语序,虽然倒装语序比较少见。例如:How beautiful (she is) ! How beautiful is she !

3 感叹句的主语为人称代词,谓语为系表结构时,通常省略主语和be. 无论是how还是what引导的感叹句都可以省略,而不是像陈老师说的那样how引导的感叹句不能省略。

4 本句的句型类似于 It is kind of you to help me. 这个句子可以转换为 You are kind to help me. 这个结构中的不定式并不是真正主语,而是表语形容词的方面状语。不能说 Of you to help me is kind.


How kind of you to help me! (it is通常省略)

How kind you are to help me !

5 介词of的作用是引出句子的真正主语。虽然介词的宾语恰好是不定式的逻辑主语,但of you并没有和不定式构成不定式复合结构。陈老师对此的分析是错误。

How utterly reckless of humanity to have rushed past the Holocene boundary, ignoring—like a character in a horror movie—all of the obvious warning signs.

= How utterly reckless humanity is to have rushed past the Holocene boundary, ignoring—like a character in a horror movie—all of the obvious warning signs.


It is utterly reckless of humanity to have rushed past the Holocene boundary, ignoring—like a character in a horror movie—all of the obvious warning signs.

= Humanity is utterly reckless to have rushed past the Holocene boundary, ignoring—like a character in a horror movie—all of the obvious warning signs.

ignoring现在分词短语为不定式to have rushed...的结果状语。


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  • xialeilalala 提出于 2019-04-21 18:17
